3,334 research outputs found


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    Accreditation of schools/madrasah is the process of comprehensive assessment of the feasibility of a unit or educational program, the results realized in the form of recognition and ranking worthiness issued by an institution and independent professionals. One of the final stages of the accreditation process is the drafting suggestions and recommendations formulated by the team drafting suggestions and recommendations based on school level. Formulation of suggestions and recommendations includes eight national education standards, all of which were written using Indonesian. The method used is the study of the text. Text was used as the main data is the result of the analysis and recommendations for the level of Vocational High School (SMK) at DIY in the period of 2014. The study of the text is based on several important parameters in the language style, such as: 1) the structure and types of Indonesian sentences used in the text of suggestion and recommendation, 2) coherence and cohesive in paragraphs, and 3) the punctuation used in text. From the analysis conducted on the text suggestion and recommendation on accreditation results for the level of Vocational High School in 2014, it is found some form of language style as follows: 1) The inconsistency of the structural integrity of the sentence, 2) The process of removal the subject in a few sentences, 3) The use of variations in sentences, and 4) The use of punctuation as a liaison sentence

    The application of magnetic fields for landfill leachate treatment

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    This research is mainly focused on the capability of magnetic application of 0.55 Tesla magnetic field strength on reduction of suspended solid (SS), BOD5 and COD in landfill leachate through a circulation magnetic device which was conducted using the settling column test. The parameters monitored which effect the reduction of suspended solids and organic concentration were the magnetic exposure time of between 1 hour and 6 hours, operating flow rate of between 1 mL/s and 5 mL/s, and pH of between 2 and 13. Empirical mathematical models of sedimentation and column settling test were investigated to fulfill the behaviour of sedimentation under operating conditions due to the effect of magnetic exposure time, operating flow rate, and pH of the sample. Using the empirical mathematical models were analysed based on total suspended solids (SS), BOD5 and COD removal efficiency to variation of the operating flow rate, magnetic exposure time and pH. The model coefficients were derived from combined analysis of correlated sets of data, thus giving an indication for their possible general applicability. The pH had significant effects on the percentage of SS, BOD5 and COD removal, but pH increased the starting SS, BOD5 and COD removal rate. The study reveals that percentage of SS, BOD5 and COD removal efficiency decreased as the pH below 7 was increased, but it increased as the pH of between 7 and13 was increased the reduction of SS, BOD5 and COD in the sample. The experimental design at an exposure time to magnetic field of 6 hours, a flow rate of 2 mL/s with pH of 13 show that the removal efficiency of SS, BOD5 and COD at 72.57%, 63.93% and 56.97% respectively. Statistically tested by SPSS, there was a significant linear increase in average treatment efficiency to the magnetic exposure time and pH of sample at 95% confidence level. The experimental results were also generated empirical mathematical model relating percentage of SS, BOD5 and COD removal efficiency to flow rate, magnetic exposure time and sample of pH using MINITAB statistical software. The empirical mathematical models can be helpful in designing application of magnetic fields for landfill leachate treatment


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    Abstract It has been researched that children as young learners in the teaching learning process have their own characteristics. From the very early stage in their development, children like to make social interactions, even if the participants are themselves. They interact with their peer, talking and giving inputs and feedback to each other. The purpose of this research is to describe the characteristics of the interactive tasks which can promote interaction among students. This paper belongs to Research and Development (R and D). Starting with identify learners’ target situation, select theoretical views of language, identify linguistic features of target situation, create syllabus, and design materials to exemplify syllabus items, then continuing with implementation process and revision until getting the final product. The result of this research is to promote interaction among students in the ESL learning, interactive tasks is a good choice. By using interactive tasks, there will be a communication among students as indicator that the interaction occurs there. Keywords: interaction, students, tasks, es

    Building Sustainability Quality of English Education Department by Creating English Area

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    Nowadays English is to be regarded as International languages in the world. In Indonesia as a part of South Asia, English has two functions as foreign and second language. In fact, English Language Education becomes more popular for all people in Indonesia. English area defines as a place which is able to support language learners to be more active in using English. This area is provided for learners to practice their English both of formal and informal. Creating English area as one of the ways to build a sustainable in English Language Education can be done in all levels. By using this method, language learner's improvement will increase sharply, not only in the quantity but also in the quality. The reflection of a good quality will be seen in the quality of the language learners who can use English well along with comprehensive cross culture understanding knowledge

    The Difficulties of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Learners in Understanding Pragmatics

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    Pragmatics is the study of the relation of signs to interpreters. For English foreign language (EFL) learners, the knowledge and comprehensible input of pragmatics is much needed. This paper is based on research project. The writer did the research survey by giving some respondents questionnaire. The respondent is some students from UAD, which is taken randomly. Besides using open questionnaire, the writer also got the data from in depth interview with some EFL learners, the native speaker who teaches English, and also did literature review from some books. The result of the research then gives some evidences that EFL learners difficulties in understanding the English pragmatics occurs in 1) greeting, 2) apologizing, 3) complimenting, and 4) thanking. The factors that promotes EFL learners’ difficulties in understanding because 1) the different culture and values between native speaker and learners; 2) habit that the usually use in their daily life

    Metode Tpr (Total Physical Response) Sebagai Alternatif Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Tahap Awal Berbahasa Inggris Pada Anak-anak

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    Tujuan pengajaran Bahasa Inggris pada tahap awal adalah memperkenalkan Bahasa Inggris kepada anak dengan cara yang menyenangkan, sehingga metode yang digunakan juga harus disesuaikan. Salah satu metode tersebut adalah TPR.. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey lapangan. Tujuan penelitian adalah mendeskripsikan model pembelajaran TPR sebagai alternatif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan tahap awal berbahasa Inggris pada anak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan TPR merupakan metode yang efektif dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris dalam rangka meningkatkan kemampuan tahap awal berbahasa pada anak


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    The research aim to find out : (1) Influence the intensity of the use of computers as a medium of learning on student learning outcomes in ICT subjects at Junior High School 14 Purworejo. (2) Motivation influences the use of computers as a medium of learning on student learning outcomes in ICT subjects at Junior High School 14 Purworejo. (3) Influence of media interest in the use of computers as learning on student learning outcomes in ICT subjects in the Junior High School 14 Purworejo. (4) Influence the intensity, motivation and interest in the use of computers as a medium of learning for student learning outcomes in ICT subjects in the Junior High School 14 Purworejo. This research is ex-post-facto quantitative approach. The population is all student of Junior High School 14 Purworejo totaling 570 students with sample 230 students. Methods for collecting data using questionnaires and documentation. Data analysis techniques using simple regression analysis techniques and multiple regression three predictors. The results showed that : (1) There is a positive and significant correlation between the intensity of the use of computers as a medium of learning for learning ICT learning outcomes by 15.2 %. (2) There is positive and significant relationship between motivation to use computers as a medium of learning for ICT learning outcomes of 24.5 %. (3) There is a positive and significant correlation between interest in the use of computers as a medium of learning for ICT learning outcomes by 22.2 %. (4) There is a positive and significant correlation between the intensity, motivation and interest in the use of computers as a medium of learning for ICT outcomes 43.3 %. Keywords : Intensity, Motivation, Interest, Learning Outcomes

    Antara Dua Kemafsadatan: Respon Fikih atas Praktik Jual Beli Alat Kontrasepsi Secara Bebas di Kota Batusangkar

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    This article discusses the sale of contraceptive devices in pharmacies around the city of Batusangkar, which is done freely without specific supervision. This has led to the misuse of contraceptives by the community, particularly among young people who engage in casual sex. The article is based on a field research conducted with a qualitative descriptive approach. The data was obtained through interviews and documentation with pharmacy employees, consumers who have purchased contraceptive devices, and the Investment and Integrated One-Stop Service Agency of Tanah Datar Regency. The data analysis involved data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that the sale of contraceptive devices in Batusangkar is conducted freely without any specific requirements or regulations imposed by the pharmacies. According to the perspective of Fikih Muamalah, the sale of contraceptive devices in pharmacies in Batusangkar is allowed as long as it meets the conditions and principles of a valid transaction and is used in accordance with the applicable rules. However, if the contraceptive devices are used for actions considered sinful, such transactions are not permissible The determination of the permissibility or prohibition of buying and selling contraceptives among unmarried teenagers and children needs to consider which harm is greater, whether to prohibit or allow it. This article discusses various possible harms that arise from the practice of buying and selling contraceptives, taking into account relevant principles of Islamic jurisprudence.[Artikel ini mengulas tentang penjualan alat kontrasepsi di Apotek sekitar Kota Batusangkar yang dilakukan secara bebas tanpa pengawasan khusus. Hal ini telah menyebabkan penyalahgunaan alat kontrasepsi oleh masyarakat, terutama di kalangan pemuda dan pemudi yang terlibat dalam hubungan seks bebas. Artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian lapangan dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Data yang digunakan berasal dari wawancara dan dokumentasi dengan karyawan Apotek, konsumen yang pernah melakukan pembelian alat kontrasepsi, serta Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu Kabupaten Tanah Datar. Analisis data dilakukan melalui tahap pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penjualan alat kontrasepsi di Kota Batusangkar dilakukan secara bebas tanpa adanya persyaratan atau ketentuan khusus dari pihak Apotek. Menurut pandangan Fikih Muamalah, penjualan alat kontrasepsi di Apotek Kota Batusangkar diperbolehkan selama masih memenuhi persyaratan dan prinsip jual beli yang sah, serta digunakan sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku. Namun, jika alat kontrasepsi tersebut digunakan untuk tindakan yang dianggap maksiat, maka transaksi tersebut tidak diperbolehkan. Penentuan halal dan haramnya praktik jual beli kontrasepsi di kalangan remaja dan anak-anak yang belum menikah perlu mempertimbangkan mafsadat mana yang lebih besar, apakah melarangnya atau memperbolehkannya. artikel ini mendiskusikan berbagai kemungkinan mafsadat yang muncul dari praktik jual beli kontrasepsi dengan pertimbangan kaidah-kaidah fikih yang relevan.]

    A Study of Implicature in Daredevil Web Series Movie

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    This study is aimed to identify the implicature and their maxim violation and find out how the violating maxims occur in the movie. The study is conducted by using the qualitative method. The research object of this study is about implicature and the violation of the maxim. The subject of this study is a web series movie script entitled Daredevil, the scripts are taken from season 1 episode 1 until 3. To collect the data, the writer uses note taking technique. The writer uses pragmatic referential method (metode padan pragmatis) to analyze the data. The result shows 25 implicatures in Daredevil web series movie that occur because of its violation of the maxim.  There are 20% implicature by violating the maxim of quantity, 36% implicature by violating the maxim of quality, 26% implicature by violating the maxim of relation, 18% implicature by violating the maxim of manner. By violating the maxim, the characters produce some implied meanings which can be used to misleading the hearer. The implied meaning of the utterances refers to an expression of agreement, denial, refusal, acceptance and indirect sentence, it depends on how the character uses the implicature. Key words: Pragmatics, Context, Cooperative Principle, Implicature, Violating Maxi